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Headaches and Neck Pain Treatment at
Miami Valley Spine and Injury Chiropractic

Headaches can be caused by a number of things—often multiple things at once. Sometimes these headaches are simply caused by dehydration or sinus issues, but most of the time, they serve as a warning for larger issues.



Woman with head painWhen trying to pinpoint the source of a headache, the first thing we look for is posture.

Forward Head Posture (FHP) is a condition where the head is protruded forward more than normal. Looking from the side your ears should line up vertically with the tips of your shoulders. But when the head pushes forward, the muscles in the back part of the neck become tight as they try to pull the head back. Over time, the abnormal position of your spinal joints can cause the joints to degenerate, resulting in a permanent change in the joints.

Common causes of FHP:

  • Prolonged computer work
  • Constant texting on phone
  • Flexion of neck from school
  • Reading for prolonged periods

All of these can change the mechanics of your neck over time and can contribute to headache or neck pain.

Neck Pain

A common source of neck pain can be soft tissue damage from activities as minor as sleeping wrong on the couch or as major as an automobile collision. Both of these conditions can cause pain directly in the muscles, and can advance into a more permanent condition if not treated properly.


Another source of headaches can be diet. This is a little more difficult to track down, but for many people, blood sugar management or even food sensitivities can be a hidden trigger for headaches. Dr. Ferguson at Miami Valley Spine and Injury Chiropractic is skilled at helping his patients discover these hidden triggers as well.

Find Out More

Contact us today to learn more about what may be causing your headaches or neck pain, or to schedule an appointment.

Headaches and Neck Pain Treatment Beavercreek OH | (937) 426-0777